God made mistake !!!!

Pinky has a friend is her class who is a special needs child. Some one told her that when god was making us he did a mistake and Juan is born that way. She says when we do mistake god punishes us if god does mistake who will punish him?? 

Here public schools take kids with special needs.They are not seen as different. Kids who are on wheel chair are specially brought to school in a bus designed for them. At school a teacher waits for that kid, brings him/her down the bus and very thing is mechanised. All the expenses are paid by the government. Then that teacher takes him/her into the school and other kids help in pushing his wheel chair around the school.If parents want to send their special needs kid to a private school government gives scholarships and tax breaks.

Joan’s motor skills are not same as grade 1 kid but he is made to sit in the grade 1 class. He passed kindergarten with them but there are different skill level are seen in those kids. Pinky says sometimes Joan doesn’t listens to teacher and she and other kids are called to explain to him. He listens a lot to pinky. When he is alone she gives him company by standing next to his wheel chair for entire recess when other kids are playing out. They are not ridiculed but kids in the school try to help them.

What i want to say it’s not their fault that they are born that way. Why to isolate them? Yes they can’t do what other kids do but that doesn’t mean that they have to be isolated and sent to a different school.

An year in Canada…

One year has been a roller coaster ride for us. This day we landed in Canada…new place…new people…new weather…everything new but old friends…I can’t imagine what we would have done without them….I want to thank each one of our friends who helped us in settling in this new surrounding….guiding us with the government procedures…finding house…finding school…applying for health card…..opening bank account….even helping us in the groceries….

I clearly remember the day we landed it was evening 7.00pm and it was slightly drizzling. Then a familiar voice called us and hugged husband and kids. That was S uncle..He came to pick us from the airport and insisted of taking us to his house. We have booked a motel for our stay until we find a house. Then went to uncles house and had delicious kerala fish biryani. When we were leaving aunty gave us enough biryani for 4 of us to eat for next day lunch. Reached motel by 10.00 am and couldn’t sleep because of time difference. Kids were waiting for morning to see the fall colours…wow it was such a beautiful sight for the first time when we saw day breaking from the motel window..

Then came R,husband’s school friend who met him after 27 years. It was sight to watch, a hand shake and introduction. He took leave from his busy schedule and came to take us around the place for house,school and other things. He was the one who guided us in every step in Canada. He and R (rajesh’s wife) never made us feel that we are meeting them for the first time nor we are new to Canada. Everything was served in a platter for us by these wonderful couple and of-course their lovely daughter S made us feel at home.

R,r’s wife is such a sweet and composed human being i have ever met. Offers help before you would even ask for. She helped me in job searching and all credit goes to her that i am placed in job within 3 months of coming here. When ever we are struck on the road,she used to google the address and guided us how to go. Kids love to talk to her, they miss their pedamma (my elder sister) and sees R as their pedamma in Canada. They tell her so many stories and she patiently hears them. Never we felt alone in this far land and you guys made us feel at home.

P,i don’t say she is my kids baby sitter…she is my new old friend here. I met her at the kids school. I saw her picking up people from the building and dropping them at the school and i assumed she charges for it. I was reluctant to ask her but it was difficult to walk to school during peak winters. Then one day when i was walking to school she stopped her car and offered me lift. Our friendship started. She offered to take care of my kids when i had my first interview. Such a down to earth female she is. It’s because she helped in my first interview and my second interview i am working in Canada. Without her i don’t think i would have attended any interview leave alone the job. She see my kids as her’s and their house looks like a small kindergarten…She was reluctant to take money from me but i insisted that i owe her money for taking care of my girls.

And they are other friends who were with us in Oman who gave us so much information about the places and how things work here that we didn’t need google for answers.

I thank all of them for their support and help they gave to make us feel at home….

Cookies for pet !!!!

new iphone 039Varunavi’s ad for cookies

“Hi everyone this is the first day of cookies. This is Canada’s number one cookies in Canada. It is in many flavours for example Vanilla, Chocolate and more ! even for pets. It’s free today hurry!!  Pet cookies are of 20 cents only. If you come in one hour we will give you big boxes of cookies. Hope you will enjoy it ! The best thing of all is it’s in different shapes. If you see the factory you could go inside and may your own! Have a nice day !! You can also get in alphabets and numbers!

Bye see you.:)