My good friend

Some people show so much of concern you wonder what that person can be called…friend,well-wisher,good human being….

We have one car for both of us. I drop kids at the school and husband drops me to work and takes the car. Most of the time its husband who uses the car for work and I am yet to get my car. I always been travelling in train and buses since I came to Canada and the transportation is too good here, buses are on time. I get to use the car when husband is at home and I go out with kids to nearby places like library, groceries etc..

Some times the temp is too low as -30 – -40 degrees. Husband can’t come to pick me as kids will be at home and he can’t leave kids at home un-attend and also it’s not a good idea to take kids out when the temp is too low.

I am done at 6:00 pm and I have a bus at 6:02 pm. I get ready before 6:00 and I  swipe my card I run to catch the bus. Here drivers will stop the bus only at the bus stop not an inch here and there. So  i had to be at the bus stop by 6:02 pm and even if the driver sees me running to the bus he won’t stop at any other place then the bus stop.

Since last few month a new driver started coming. Once i asked him what time the bus is schedule to stop at my bus stop. He said I can wait till 6:05 pm at the stop. So explained him my situation and every day he stops at the bus stop until myself and friend take the bus. That’s wonderful gesture by him. If he doesn’t see me at the bus stop he looks at the direction I walk to the bus stop and he used to ask my friend if I am coming or not. So when ever I was not taking the bus I used to inform by friend that I am not coming who in turn used to tell that to the driver.

From last week his route has changed and he longer comes with that bus. Now I had to wait till 6:12 pm for another bus, had the weather is good I don’t mind waiting. I  always used to be so tensed to run to the bus stop and after talking to him I was not tensed and confident that he will wait for me. Waiting at the bus stop is horrible in this weather. I pray that he comes back to this route.